BE EVIL OR STAY SINGLE | Why Dating Ruins Good People

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I didn’t expect to make a video about relationships. There are so many other topics that seemed more important, but I’ve had a few conversations recently that brought the subject of dating back into my awareness. This brought up a lot of the observations I’ve made over the years, not as an active participant (conventional dating is not for me, never has been, and never will be), but as someone who intuitively picks up on relational patterns.

I have strong opinions, as we all do, regarding this topic. It’s almost impossible to separate our individual experience from our perception of the collective experience. However, I’ve tried my best to check my own biases at the door before coming to these conclusions so I don’t contribute to the polarization that we already have plenty of. Will I succeed? I don’t know, but I will try my best to make this a conversation of understanding and reconciliation, even though that might kill engagement, lol.

So why dating? Besides childhood, dating and relationships have proven to be the number one source of experiences we spend significant time healing from. And since most of you watching are in your 20s and 30s, it’s likely that a romantic, intimate relationship is in the top three things you desire for yourself soon. Yet, it’s also a major source of distress.

Dating today is very difficult for qualified people and very easy for unqualified people. This is not just a belief—it’s an objective truth supported by research and countless anecdotes from both men and women. Dating involves a lot of effort with a slim chance of reward, resulting in high highs and low lows, many promises, and little delivery.

To sum it up, dating makes people resent relationships when it should be facilitating them.

This isn’t a coincidence. Every few decades, our society undergoes a restructuring after a significant awakening. This awakening is happening right now. We’re collectively mourning and feeling disenchanted by the media, books, movies, and music that once spoke of this love that was going to solve all our problems. We feel collectively betrayed by entertainment and propaganda that kept us compliant while hiding corruption.

The promise of love is a significant part of that betrayal. Millennials and Gen Z are suffering the most—the resources that make us competitive in our “prime” are either incredibly difficult to attain or constantly changing. Throw in some unregulated tech, some social atrophy, and a cultural pendulum that swings from one extreme to the other, and you’ve got yourself a recipe for collective burnout.

We’re waking up to the systems, institutions, and roadmaps that were supposed to guarantee our success but have failed us miserably. Now, we’re looking for who’s responsible.

And who is easier to blame than those we outsource our fulfillment to—our partners, dates, and potential relationships. Our emotional surrogates.

What lengths are we willing to go to secure them… and at what cost?

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🔑 Key Topics:

Modern Dating
Dating Culture
Love and Romance
Dating Apps
Millennials and Gen Z
Emotional Health
Relationship Advice
Dating Struggles
Dating Market
Online Dating
Toxic Relationships
Love Bombing
Dating Coaches
Traditional Relationships
Emotional Connection
Masculinity and Femininity
Relationship Expectations
Digital Age Dating
Impact of Technology on Relationships
Vulnerability in Relationships
Emotional Courage
Love and Fear
Healing from Relationships
Personal Growth and Dating

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